Give Your WordPress Website Superpowers

BWD Elementor Addons by Best WP Developer is your all-in-one toolkit for unlocking the true power of Elementor. Featuring over 200 unique widgets, a robust theme builder, and specialized builders for single product pages, post pages, and headers and footers, our addons transform your website creation process. The BWD Elementor Addons is a premier collection that elevates Elementor’s capabilities and enriches user experiences. Committed to innovation and user satisfaction, Best WP Developer consistently delivers high-quality solutions that empower creators to design stunning, high-performing websites with ease and creativity.

style 1 [fraction]

style 2 [vertical]

style 3 [nav & slideInRight]

style 4 [dots]

style 5 [scrollBar]

style 6 [dot & coverflow]

style 7 [text navigation]


style 8 [slide & numbers]

style 9 [creatives effects]

style 10 [cube effect]

style 11 [coverflow & backInUp]

style 12 [progress & bounceIn]

style 13 [vertical progressBar]

style 14 [progressBar & cards]

style 15 [flip vertical]

style 16 [cards vertical]

style 17 [bounceInLeft]

style 18 [overlay]

style 19 [flip & bounceInRight]

style 20 [cards effect]

style 21 [fade & mouseWheel]